My Favorite Super Foods Series

by Lorraine Smith on May 9, 2015

I love food and I bet you do too! I also love eating healthy, but I have to admit that it is not always easy to do. While it’s best to make the time to prep for the week, some how that clock just runs out of time. Keeping your kitchen stocked with some essentials is a way to ensure that you will always have something “healthy” within reach. One of my favorite super foods is Quinoa.

Pronounced Keen-wah, this super food is loaded with protein, fiber and minerals. It doesn’t contain any gluten and has a low glycemic index. Interestingly, it is a “seed” which is prepared and eaten similarly to a grain making it a nutritious, whole-grain substitute that is quick and easy to prepare.

I love to add it to soups and salads or use it as a substitute in any recipe calling for grains (hint: black beans and rice quinoa). I like to cook up a batch and keep in in the fridge to have on hand throughout the week. It’s great for breakfast by simply warming it in the microwave (or on the stove) with a little almond milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

One of my favorite ways to eat quinoa is in a salad. Here is a recipe that was inspired by Elizabeth Rider’s Black Bean & Quinoa Salad Recipe. I should tell you that I am what I would call a creative cook. I tend to use recipes as a guide and tweak them according to my tastes and what I have in the house. I added some options below but would recommend only adding low water based veggies in this dish to keep it from getting soggy.


Quinoa with Black Beans and Veggies

2 cups cooked quinoa (1 cup dry quinoa yields about 2 cups cooked)
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/8 cup apple cider vinegar or the juice of one lime
1 clove garlic, pressed, grated or finely chopped
sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional for heat)
1 15-ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed well
1 cup chopped red bell pepper (approx. 1 large pepper)
1 cup chopped onion (green scallions or red onion works well)

Optional ingredients: fresh cilantro or parsley, corn, peas, broccoli slaw, radishes

Prepare the quinoa according to the package directions. Mix the next six ingredients while the quinoa is cooking. Chop the veggies (about the same size as the black beans). Rinse and drain the black beans. Add the veggies, beans and quinoa in a bowl. Add the dressing. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to let the flavors come together. It tastes best served room temperature or chilled.

I like to put this into individual serving size bowls for a grab and go brown bag lunch or a quick dinner.

Stay tuned for more of my favorite super foods.


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